12 Summers
Personal Maria Molina Personal Maria Molina

12 Summers

On a Monday off from work last month, as I walked Sebastian into school with the sun shining on us, it hit me that it was my first summer since I’d found a new job. Exactly two years ago, I went to a tarot reader to ask when I would find a new job, and she said it wouldn’t be soon but that I did have options. Now, I was finally on the other side of that with a new job. I was immediately filled with joy and had one of the best days ever. My old job was twelve years of most of my adult life, with the end of my time there feeling drained. For the first time, I thought I had moved a mountain, leaving an unhappy situation.

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Our Summer
Personal Maria Molina Personal Maria Molina

Our Summer

This summer has been one of change and growth. How appropriate during a new season, right? As I get older and the seasons on the East Coast dwindle to two–a long, cold winter with little to no snow and a short summer–I cling to those precious sunny, hot days where I can walk out in a t-shirt and shorts, carefree and happy, drinking in the sun rays while wearing my sunscreen, of course. Adulting is fun, isn’t it? Summer has become my favorite season because it only lasts a couple of months, so I miss it more. I also find myself drawn to the ocean. I don’t know how to swim, but now I see the beauty and power of the water. My childhood friend and I went to the beach for the weekend at the end of August, and I found such peace as the waves crashed over me. Even though summer can’t last forever, my family and I made the most of it, embracing the weekends and taking a week off from work in mid-July.

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