A New Chapter
Personal Maria Molina Personal Maria Molina

A New Chapter

At the start of the year, I wrote Looking Back At 2023 about my less-than-fun year. Well, I’m happy to report that in February, only two months into the new year, things took a turn with the job hunt. Back in December, I shifted my expectations and reset my job alerts with Indeed for case management positions instead of being so stubborn with only looking for writing jobs. I wanted to get my resume noticed with my twelve years of experience in that field and applied to any agency where I could do something different.

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Looking Back At 2023
Personal Maria Molina Personal Maria Molina

Looking Back At 2023

If you saw people posting highlights of their 2023 on Instagram and cringed, you’re not alone. While last year wasn’t my favorite, and I’m glad it’s over, I’ll start this post with gratitude. You can’t do anything without good physical health, and you can’t be happy if you don’t have the ones you love close to you. I’m grateful to say that I was blessed with another year of health and still have my family and friends by my side. As I look back on 2023, I realize it was a year of learning for me that will flow into the growth I expect to see in 2024.

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My First Runes Reading
Personal Maria Molina Personal Maria Molina

My First Runes Reading

Lately, I’ve been thinking about why things don’t happen when I want them to, so I scheduled my first runes reading in the same center where I got My First Tarot Reading. I had wanted to try a coffee reading for the first time, but that service wasn’t available. Before I booked the appointment, I had to ask the woman scheduling my session what a runes reading was. She provided me with the definition, and I was intrigued enough to make an appointment immediately

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My First Tarot Reading
Personal Maria Molina Personal Maria Molina

My First Tarot Reading

For as long as I can remember I was fascinated by tarot cards, how they could foretell your future, warning you of something that would happen, but growing up Catholic I was taught in religion class and at home that tarot cards were forbidden. It was considered sinful to know what God had in store for you. I remember my dad took me once to the bookstore where I scoured the shelves, not looking for anything in particular until I found a book with tarot cards that promised to teach you how to use it.

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Barbie World
Personal Maria Molina Personal Maria Molina

Barbie World

My twenties were encumbered with painstaking efforts to treat my blotchy and scarred cheeks after struggling with cystic acne from 17 to 21-years-old (during my college years), a crucial period for evolving and socializing but that I, filled with insecurity and shame, refrained from. I paid for any affordable procedure that could correct my inflammation and scarring post-acne: chemical peels, facials, cryotherapy, microneedling; I invested in serums, exfoliators, and retinols to brighten my dull complexion.

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30 Something
Personal Maria Molina Personal Maria Molina

30 Something

I looked up shyly at my second-grade teacher, Mrs. Vauple. She had milky skin with two bright red spots on her cheeks, shoulder-length brown curls, and bangs that strangely didn’t spiral the way the rest of her hair did. She handed me a hardcover book titled Maria Molina and the Days of the Dead. I was surprised to see my name staring at me and blushed.

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Born Tired
Personal Maria Molina Personal Maria Molina

Born Tired

One day, during my junior year of high school, I was transitioning from one class to another, resting my pile of textbooks on my desk when I felt something strange, a compression in my chest that felt like someone was squeezing my insides as I squeezed the sides of my desk.

Photo by Militza Molina

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